Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Indianapolis
Wondering why you are not happy and want your negative thinking to go away? Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) might help.
We're all stuck in the happiness trap. We're told if you're not 100% happy, you are defective. If you have negative thoughts and feelings, society tells us those need to go away, probably yesterday. We never really learn how to effectively manage this experience.
ACT can be helpful for anxiety, depression, PTSD and substance use disorders. It is an action based therapy that helps us understand how to live a valued life, despite our unpleasant feelings and experiences. It helps us have a more realistic view of ourselves and the world. ACT incorporates learning skills, goal setting and mindfulness. It is not simply about learning to "accept" our thoughts and feelings, it is much more than that! It is also beyond the CBT approach of learning to challenging our thoughts and coming up with new "beliefs" (if this never worked for you in past therapy, you're not odd).