Many people seek out Brainspotting for PTSD, trauma and anxiety. When you’ve had bad things happen in life, you might be struggling with the why, feelings of guilt, anxiety, memories of the event, detachment and anger.
Brainspotting is a brain based treatment to address trauma. It is also used for sports psychology, shifting negative beliefs about yourself and addictions. You can tell me as little or as much about your trauma and the approach can still be effective. Brainspotting is meant to reduce the activation you experience around your traumas. Things like the racing heart, chest pains, anxiety and feeling paralyzed when thinking about it. This way, you can think about the issue and hopefully be less affected by it. It does not make memories go away but the intent is for these issues to become more tolerable to deal with. Brainpsotting developed from EMDR.
This video, from therapist Cherie Lindberg, explains what Brainspotting is and shows you a little bit what a session is like:
If you like technical information, this is a great video. I also love this article about the eye-mind relationship. You can also read the book Brainspotting by Dr. David Grand or listen this podcast, to get more information. Brainpotting Indy has additional videos and other trained clinicians to choose from.
I completed the Brainspotting certification process in January 2020. I have taken Brainspotting Phases 1-4 and the addictions specialty course. Please note, I only work with the Veteran and First Responder community.